
Fantastic Faces " Closing "

I am sad to say that I will be closing this month.I neeeeeeeeeeever in a million years thought that this would be happening but I have no choice.This drama has included people who have been supporting me and I can not continue to have that.I work very hard daily to build up a reputation and make sure I present everything in the correct manner for my company  only for people to continuously complain about anything they feel need to.This closing is not due to " guilt " or " being wrong " or me folding and being weak its to clear my head and revamp my business and take care of this issue at hand and in doing that I can not continue to run all this alone and and do that at the same time.I am very sorry to those who didn't get a chance to order but " i will be back " this is only temporary.I think  i have mislead alot of people based on my comments and responses but those who need to know me do and those small minded ignorant individuals who dont wont.I will for sure not be entertaining this drama anymore which is what I should have done in the beginning and it is unproductive and not going towards the goal I had in mind .Yes I am aware of each and everything that goes on pertaining to my business for it is my duty to keep track of everything. I know the names of each individual who is following my business with ill intentions , following my blog , on my like page and adding me on my personal page to be moles, I hear and see it all ,but keep in mind all of the people doing this are very insignificant to me and I have found out first hand that this is what some people do " bash companies and purposely plan on picking on companies for every little thing , so im guessing they are just " doing their jobs " per say " what ever " lol , if that's what you wanna call it ,so are the stalkers  important " no " do I recognize  you " yes " is this me taking some time to gather my thoughts  " yes " " i get it now ,its  time for me to take a back seat and see what blessing come my way next with all this.Thanks for your support and Fantastic Faces loves you....